Millbrook High School Class of 1981


Class of 1981
Millbrook High School
Raleigh, North Carolina


Millbrook High School
Class of 1981
30th Reunion Weekend

Friday, Oct. 14th, 7:00 pm
Home Football game against Leesville High
Millbrook High School
Tickets at the Gate

Friday, Oct. 14th, 9:00 pm to ?
Marcom's Lounge
5100 Lacy Avenue
(Corner of Millbrook and Old Wake Forest Rd.
Next to Merchant Tire)
(919) 981-8914

Saturday, Oct. 15th, 6:00 - 10:00 pm
Reunion Party

Solas Rooftop
419 Glenwood Ave.
Raleigh, NC

Heavy Hor d’oeuvres and Cash Bar
Dress is Casual Chic or Funky Chic

*Rooftop is reserved exclusively for our reunion until 10 pm
then it will be open to the public. We can still use the facility,
but it will be open

Please mail a check to Kellie Falk-Tillett by mail to
7200 Stonehenge Dr., Suite 211, Raleigh, NC 27613.
Please include your Name and your Guest's Name.

*The NC State Fair will be taking place
during the entire Reunion Weekend

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Any questions or comments please call 919.846.7300 or email us.